After five fashion, hair, and makeup

Monday, January 20, 2014

2014. The Best Year Ever?

So excited for the New Year! Last year was so crazy and awesome, I can't wait to see what this year has in store. Just a quick wrap up of 2013: Worked on over 50 weddings either solo or assisting the lovely Erin Blair Gobin over at Erin Blair Makeup & Hair Design. Lost count of how many senior portraits and proms, special occasion, and bridal portraits I did. Worked on ten productions in stitching, costume design, and hair and makeup.

Like I said. Crazy!

Okay, 2014. The bar got set pretty high, let's see how you do.

Now, here's a pretty from one of the last weddings I worked with Erin last year. My Rainbow Brite bridesmaid!