After five fashion, hair, and makeup

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Mea Culpa!

Okay, so not only am I a lousy pen pal (as any of my friends back home can attest), but it appears I am a complete failure at blogging. Summer was crazy. Got to work on some amazing brides of my own and assist the Sis in Law on some giant wedding parties. Here are a few links to the solo brides I worked on:
Amazing photography by Aves Photographic Design!

My very first solo bride! Brennan was definitely one of the calmest brides I've ever come across. She wanted pretty natural, and had a really fun fascinator to go in her hair. I also did her mom's hair and makeup as well as her sister's makeup. Gorgeous ladies!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Last month was insane! I worked a wedding every single weekend, assisting my amazing Sister in Law, Erin. We also threw a few trial runs into the mix to make this a busy, busy March! The following pictures are all from the craziness:
A very full bun, thanks to two rows of sewn in extensions.

Lindsay's trial run. She wanted a low loose mass of curls.

Everyone's favorite part of the hairstyle.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Class and Sass is pleased to announce...

That we raised almost $2,000 for Emily Grace Stiegler at our Valentine's Day Fundraiser! And donations are still coming in! Thank you so much to everyone that participated. We are hoping to turn this into an annual event, so if you weren't able to join us this year, mark your calendars for next Valentine's weekend. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Let me introduce Melinda! She had just come from buying a new car and was in super excited mode. Her evening plans were a dinner party at a friend's house. I kept her makeup simple, but pretty.

She didn't want it to look like she'd gone to a salon for the dinner party, so I gave her loose curls and braided it back from her face.

Here is a side view of the braid.

This is Amy! Amy wasn't sure whether she wanted to wear her hair up or down to a gala event. She wound up with a low, messy side bun. She didn't want pictures taken from the front until she had her makeup pictures of that should be forthcoming!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Doin' Good...

Hey Dallas Ladies:
So Valentine's Day is on a Monday this year...lame! Everyone knows Saturday night is prime date time. So to help you get ready for your big Valentine's date (which is actually the Saturday before, but that's when V-day should have been, and we all know it!) the ladies of Haute Facade in Dallas are having a fund raiser. For $100 they will get you decked out with hair AND makeup so you can make your guy (or gal, we don't judge!) swoon. Here's a pretty flier for you:

Now, as if this wasn't a good enough deal already all, yes that's right 100% of your $100 goes to a little girl named Emily Grace Stiegler. Emily's parents were both killed in a tragic Christmas Eve car accident. This is just a small attempt to help out a precious baby girl. So get glammed up and do a little good for a little girl. Email the contact on the flier, or me at for more info or if you'd like to make a separate donation!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Last night was the Aces and Angels at Fair Park to help kick off festivities for the Super Bowl. Gene Simmons and his lady, Shannon Tweed, hosted the evening that was in support of our boys and girls in the armed services. I was fortunate enough to be in attendance and had the privilege of dolling up the Fantasty Girls from 105.3 the Fan! There were smoky eyes abound!
The FANtasy Girls! From left we have Shaunda, Tanna, Heather, and Lauren.

Moxie spinnin' a little sompin' sompin'. Ok I'm done I swear.

I got to put makeup on all these lovely ladies, but the only one whose hair I styled was Tanna. (The shortest :)

The other pictures were from the radio station, these I took with my iphone. I did these girls' makeup between two and five in the afternoon, and they still look gorgeous at midnight.

Pretty, pretty.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Biblical Meets Badass

Man it's getting gross outside! So while I'm huddled under the covers trying to get my feet warm, I thought I'd post some pictures of a costume I made for my older brother's production company. They were filming for their logo's trailer last Friday. The production company is called Arkangel or Archangel...I'll get back to you on that. Either way, we needed a costume that was going to make it look like this angel means business.

Meet Jason. There was no pattern for this costume, so I made up how to do the waistband and attached strips of brown cotton fabric. I also had to make some gladiator style shoes. I bought a pair of flip flops and built up from there. I think they turned out pretty awesome!

Yeah, he really is that ripped. I feel like I had the easy part.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Busy, Busy Monday!

Crazy weekend! The fam was in town for my nephew's dedication at church. I also spent Saturday morning assisting my sister-in-law doll up the sassiest bunch of lawyers I've ever come across. These ladies were definitely the most laid back group of girls I've come across in a long time. Congratulations to Amber and the man that gets to wake up next to her for the rest of his life! Now, back to work on a costume I'm working on for my brother's production company.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Few Pictures I Stumbled Upon

Some pictures that I found in a file. I constructed this dress for Of Mice and Men at University of Texas El Paso. The designer was Crystal G. Herman. I was merely in charge of putting the dress together. But it's probably my favorite dress that I've ever constructed for the stage. It's a beautiful 1930's cut in a lovely pink satin with a butterfly pattern.         

The lining had to be hand sewn in.

Mostly it just looked like I was molesting the mannequin.